
What is your funniest baking fail?

We all have baking fails. Comment below one of yours! This can be anything from forgetting to put eggs in your batter, or using salt instead of sugar!

Here is one of mine:

This was my 2nd time baking by myself…ever. I was only 7 years old and I was pretty much clueless. My mom bought an (artificial…ew) strawberry cake mix for me to try to bake and I mixed together the oil, water, and mix but I was forgetting something. Eggs. I put the batter in the already buttered pan and that’s when I realized. I cracked 3 eggs into the pan and had to mix it in there πŸ˜‚ Well it came out good(ish) but I will always remember this!


This isn’t exactly a fail but… it didn’t turn out how I was expecting it to. (Leah this is for you! πŸ™‚ ) Leah and I were making a cookie cake. It was supposed to be a regular sugar cookie one. We added sprinkles to make it confetti but then I wanted to add something extra. I found some crushed peppermint in a jar from christmastime and I put some in to make a peppermint cookie cake. Not a great idea. When we took it out it was so bitter and well… ew.

Well what is one of your’s? Remember to comment!!!

8 thoughts on “What is your funniest baking fail?”

  1. My funniest baking fail was when I tried to make macarons and they expanded outwards instead of upwards (no feet)! On top of that they also burned lol.


  2. Haha! I remember that! I think today I had a baking fail… oopsy. I was making pancakes and I wanted to half the recipe so I remembered to half the dry ingredients and the eggs, but i added a regular amount of butter and milk! When I mixed all of the ingredients together, I was like, “Why is the batter so runny?” I added more flour, and it thickened a little bit. The pancakes were pretty yummy though!


    1. I did that same thing with cookies lol. I was testing the 3 ingredients peanut butter cookies and I wanted to half the recipe, but didn’t half the sugar! I ended up just making the whole recipe πŸ˜‚


  3. ELLIE: “We forgot to grease the pan when we were trying to bake Josie a birthday cake. It was messy but we tried and it tasted good.”
    MIA: “I don’t really bake anything. That’s Ellie’s thing. But I want to learn.”
    JOSIE: “I don’t know?” Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―


    1. I forgot to grease a pan too! It is hard to remember when it is just sitting out! Keep it up guys with your channel, I love watching your videos! Someday if you guys come up to Philly I’ll include you in a post and we can do lots of baking together! 😁


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